"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God." ~ Anne Frank
How thankful I am to be able to go outdoors! Some days it is only for a few minutes, but when I am in nature, somehow my troubles seem a little smaller. I think it is because in creation I find stillness and am reminded of the greatness, glory, power, and love of God.
For many years I couldn't go outside, except to climb into the car for a medical appointment. I was bedridden, I reacted to the pollen, and in 2016 - 2017, I couldn't even bear the light and noises of the outdoors. When I finally took a slow 2 minute walk through the backyard on May 9, 2020, the day before my 19th birthday, it was a celebration. I collapsed in bed afterwards, exhausted but elated.

Today, I still spend most of my time in bed, but when I'm not in a major herx, I can walk up to 2 miles daily. I'm praising God that it's been almost 1 year since I rediscovered the wonder of the outdoors. Enjoy these pictures from recent walks through the backyard, neighborhood, and parks, along with the lyrics to Look at the World by John Rutter.
"Look at the world: Everything all around us
Look at the world: and marvel everyday
Look at the world: So many joys and wonders
So many miracles along our way
Look at the sky: The sunshine and the rain
Look at the hills, look at the trees and mountains,
Valley and flowing river, field and plain.

Bringing the harvest before the winters cold
Everything grows, everything has a season
Til' it is gathered to the Father's fold

Comes from the Lord in token of His love
We are his hands, stewards of all His bounty
His is the earth and His the heavens above

Give us thankful hearts that we may see
All the gifts we share, and every blessing,
All things come of thee
All things come of thee"