Watt's Up? October Edition

Watt's Up? October Edition

The above photo is one my brother Ben snapped. I picked it for the header for two reasons. One, it is from our trip to Chicago this month, which was a major highlight. (We were gone four days, two of which were just traveling.) Two, it's a picture of me taking a picture, which seemed appropriate because my phone is unusually full of pictures from this month!

Anyway, let's get to business. Watt's been up this October?

READING: Dad and I finished The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, and I discussed it at reading club. We're now reading the next book in the series, The Fellowship of the Ring. I've also reading a few books on my own, but I haven't made much progress on them yet.

LISTENING: All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot for free via the Libby appHymns by Michael Card, Pilgrims Here by Todd MacDonald, and Joy: An Irish Christmas by Keith and Kristyn Getty.

WATCHING: Live shows at the Shedd Aquarium. A hitchhiking turtle. 

STUDYING: 1 Thessalonians with my mom and a friend from church, Art History, and English Composition.

ENJOYING: Riding a riverboat in Chicago. The Garfield Park Conservatory. Shooting bubbles with my bubble gun with my two-year-old second cousin. A visit from my oldest brother Alex and sister-in-law Kathryn.

MAKING: A crochet elephant. Two crochet lovey security blankets. Counted cross stitch pictures. Plastic canvas Christmas ornaments. A crochet hot pad. A lighthouse pumpkin carving.


WEARING: I dressed up as Aslan from Narnia. My mom made the mask, tail, and paws before she was married. 

EATING: Chinese food at a Chinese restaurant in Chicago. Tacos with ingredients from a Mexican store. Greek yogurt. Fermented nuts. RXBARS.

EXERCISING: Finding a parking spot in Chicago is very hard, so when we visited Ben, we ended up walking 9.75 miles in one day! We were there on marathon weekend, so we also ran on the Chicago Marathon track. LOL, it's all about the wording. :)


EXPLORING: Laurel Caverns with my parents--it was our first time in a cave! 


There was a waterfall inside the cave! 

MARVELING: Majestic clouds in Chicago. The colors of autumn, especially in Ohiopyle, PA. 



BUYING: Eclipse glasses, which I'm saving for April since it was too overcast to see the eclipse this month, some gifts, and miscellaneous craft supplies. There's a neat thrift store near me called Oh, Scrap! that only sells art and craft supplies. I recently left with a bag of goodies for just $4.


Watt's your favorite part of this update? Watt have you been up to this month?


Thanks, Mrs. Dean! I hope you are doing well.

Lauren Watt

I love so much of this! I love the crocheted animals, I love that you “ran” the Chicago marathon, I love your Halloween costume! It’s beyond wonderful to see you enjoying life, sweet Lauren!


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